Articles on Emerging Technologies, Cloud Computing and Cyber Security

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

How to find the versions of Technology stack components like Forms, iAS, Framework, JDK, OJSP, Database, etc.?

Script to Check the Techstack Component Versions (Forms, Http Server, JDK, Framework, Database.

Txktop -   Temporary working directory use by Perl Modules. Should not be an empty string.
Contextfile -      Location of the context file. If not passed, default is picked from the environment.
Appspass -          APPS schema password. If not passed, default password is used.
Outfile - Location for the report being generated. If not passed, the default location is <APPLTMP>/TXK

To generate the report in text format, the parameter "-reporttype=text" needs to be passed to the above commands. For example:
outfile=$APPLTMP/Report_App_Inventory.html -reporttype=text

On Application Tier
  1. Establish the needed environment parameters by sourcing the Applications environment file as the owner of the application tier file system.
  2. Ensure "APPLRGF" variable is set in environment. If not, set it to the same value as "APPLTMP" (Note: If you set the output file directory using -outfile parameter, skip this step and the file will be generated under $APPLRGF/TXK directory).
  3. Navigate to <FND_TOP>/patch/115/bin. Run the utility/command  as follows :
Operating System
Command Line
Unix or Linux
$ADPERLPRG $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin/
-script=$FND_TOP/patch/115/bin/ -txktop=$APPLTMP
-appspass=apps -outfile=$APPLTMP/Report_App_Inventory.html
- Run the above command in single line
 - Supply the apps user password as is applicable for parameter "-appspass"

%ADPERLPRG% %FND_TOP%\patch\115\bin\
-txktop=%APPLTMP% -contextfile=%CONTEXT_FILE%

  1. Once the command executes successfully, it should generate the report file in the location specified for "outfile" parameter in above script
  2. In case you have more than one application tier's (multi-node architecture), follow the steps 1-4 on each of the Application tiers
  3. Upload the report output file (default: $APPLTMP/Report_App_Inventory.html )to Oracle Support for review

On Database Tier
  1. Establish the needed environment parameters by sourcing the Database environment file as the owner of the Database tier file system. |
  2. Ensure "ORACLE_HOME" variable is set in environment and correctly pointing to your database ORACLE_HOME.
  3. Navigate to <ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/bin. Run the utility/command as below (all on a single line):
Operating System
Command Line
Unix or Linux
-script=$ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/bin/ -txktop=$ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/temp
- Run the above command in single line
 - Supply the apps user password as is applicable for parameter "-appspass"

%ADPERLPRG% %ORACLE_HOME%/appsutil/bin/
-script=%ORACLE_HOME%/appsutil/bin/ -txktop=%ORACLE_HOME%/appsutil/temp
-appspass=apps -outfile=%ORACLE_HOME%/appsutil/temp/Report_DB_Inventory.html
  1. Once the command executes successfully, it should generate the report file in the location specified for "outfile" parameter in above script
  2. Upload the report output file (default: $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/temp/Report_DB_Inventory.html ) to Oracle Support for review
(Doc ID 601736.1)