Articles on Emerging Technologies, Cloud Computing and Cyber Security

Sunday, August 9, 2020

List of platforms that are certified for EBS as well as for the database tier

An important consideration for a migration, particularly for the database tier, is the "endian-ness" of a platform. This refers to the way data is represented for a particular hardware and operating system, mainly the order in which bytes are stored in a word for memory addressing, networking, file storage, etc. A "big endian" platform stores the most significant byte first (i.e. starting at the lower address) while a "little endian" platform stores the least significant byte first. 

 The "endian-ness" of platforms can be checked by querying the view V$TRANSPORTABLE_PLATFORM using sqlplus (connected as sysdba):

SQL> select platform_name, endian_format from v$transportable_platform;